4D Complex House, one of the biggest real estate hits of 2022, sold absolutely everything in 120 days!!

We are still going to talk a lot about this Project that has been renewing the perspective of the 4th District of Porto Alegre, an old industrial zone of Porto Alegre that had been abandoned for decades, and is now being the target of incentives by the City Hall of Porto Alegre, a beautiful wedding with the Historical Heritage!

Well, it’s about this historic heritage that we want to talk about, we have a very historic one within this complex and it is still under renovation, a mural was separated so that the world famous muralist Eduardo Kobra could do his art there! I was very moved when I saw Paixão Cortes, the great Paixão Cortes, one of the most revered figures in Rio Grande Sul and who served as a model for the Laçador statue, a symbol of Porto Alegre and Rio Grande do Sul.

We made a Lighting Project with a lot of will and dedication for this place that is already one of the most visited in Porto Alegre.

You can see the result in the images and soon on our You Tube channel.